Bienvenido a nuestra página de testimonios de voluntarios/-as, participantes, jóvenes, donde podrá leer las experiencias de otras personas que han participado en nuestro programa de voluntariado, de formación, de intercambio juvenil.

Nuestros participantes proceden de todos los ámbitos de la vida y aportan a su trabajo una amplia gama de capacidades y perspectivas. Han marcado una verdadera diferencia en sus comunidades, contribuyendo a causas importantes y teniendo un impacto positivo en el mundo.

En esta página encontrará una selección de testimonios de antiguos/-as participantes, que comparten sus experiencias y puntos de vista sobre lo que supuso participar en nuestro programa. Estas historias son un testimonio del duro trabajo y la dedicación de nuestra comunidad, y esperamos que le inspiren para unirse a nosotros y marcar la diferencia a su manera.

Gracias por considerar la posibilidad de ser voluntario/-a o participante a otro proyecto con nosotros. Esperamos darte pronto la bienvenida a nuestra comunidad.

Opportunities for young people – education & travels

Opportunities for young people – education & travels

Visit new countries, gain new experience, skills, knowledge, and friends – all this can be done for free and with pleasure thanks to European programs aimed at youth development and cooperation!

Erasmus+ Testimonio del JST Sassari 2022 – Influence Youth

Erasmus+ Testimonio del JST Sassari 2022 – Influence Youth

ERASMUS+ | JSTA | SASSARI 2022 | INFLUENCE YOUTH TESTIMONIO DE PARTICIPANTES DE ESPAÑA Como participante en el curso de formación sobre la lucha contra la discriminación y la xenofobia, he adquirido valiosos conocimientos y herramientas para reconocer y cuestionar estos comportamientos nocivos en mi vida cotidiana. (Aihnoa, País Vasco) Un ejemplo especialmente impactante del […]

Youth Exchange ZUMBA – Testimony Alice Mainard

Youth Exchange ZUMBA – Testimony Alice Mainard

This youth exchange was amazing! All the participants were caring and we created a great atmosphere of sharing ! It was really interesting to talk with young people from all over Europe and from very different backgrounds. The location was wonderful: the Basque country ! A harmonious mix of mountains and sea. At the end, […]

YE – ZUMBA – Marina Testimony, Georgia

YE – ZUMBA – Marina Testimony, Georgia

Hello, I’m Marina Kharitonashvili and participated in Erasmus + Project Zumba – „Let’s make dream reality” in Hondarribia, in October 2021. I was a representative and a team leader of Georgia. I think, that this is a type of project, where you can make your dreams come true.  During the project, we had many interesting […]

YE – ZUMBA – Testimony-kakha khutilashvili (Georgia)

YE – ZUMBA – Testimony-kakha khutilashvili (Georgia)

On 25 October,2020 Erasmus+ and Abarka held a informal education camp in spain-hondarribia for 7 days regarding drug abuse and prevention  . A total with 7 delegations with staff and the Teacher(professor) who conducted day activities and supplied us with huge amount of knowledge and interesting activities  integrated with pleasure and fun. The aims of […]

YE – ZUMBA – Testimony Keti Kokiashvili (Georgia)

YE – ZUMBA – Testimony Keti Kokiashvili (Georgia)

Erasmus+ and Abarka Non-Formal Education Camp was held in Honadribia for 8 days on October 24, 2021. The name of the project was Zumba – „Let’s make dream reality”. Project’s main goal was fighting against drugs and living a healthy lifestyle. This project was a great experience for me. Each day was excitingly and productively […]

YE – ZUMBA – Testimony Salome (Georgia)

YE – ZUMBA – Testimony Salome (Georgia)

Taking part in the Erasmus program in Spain was an experience of a lifetime. exchange project abroad has been an advantage in various ways, specifically in that it has improved my communication skills, getting to learn about a new culture and broaden my personal experiences. We had group discussions, group presentations, role play, workshops, individual […]

YE – ZUMBA – Giorgi Testimony (Georgia)

YE – ZUMBA – Giorgi Testimony (Georgia)

In October 2020 ” Erasmus+ “and “Abarka” held a informal education camp in spain-  for 7 days related to  drug abuse and prevention  .totally 7 delegations with staff and the Teacher -who conducted day activities and taught us many interesting activities approaches and methods    integrated with pleasure and fun. The goals itself   of this camp is […]

Erasmus Plus Youth Exchange Testimony Alessandro Maurizi

Erasmus Plus Youth Exchange Testimony Alessandro Maurizi

This is my report about Erasmus+ “Let make tomorrow’s dreams reality” Hondarribia 2021. To describe this experience words are not enough, but I’ll try. It has been the best project so far for several reason: first of all, the topic of the project was really interesting because since I was kid, I have always been […]

Erasmus+ Training Course 08/2021- Testimony – Euskera – Idoia

Erasmus+ Training Course 08/2021- Testimony – Euskera – Idoia

Idoia Gurrutxaga naiz eta Parisen astebete igaro dut eramus+ eko “Conjunctions-Fighting Discrimination and Social Exclusion in Youth Work” proiektuan. 7 herrialdek hartu dugu parte: Espainia, Frantzia, Italia, Errusia, Estonia, Moldavia eta Bulgaria. Proiektu honetan gazteen artean dagoen diskriminazioa eta bazterketa soziala landu ditugu. Egoera desberdinak aztertu, irtenbideak bilatu eta hausnarketak egin ditugu. Gaia oso interesgarria […]

Erasmus+ Training Course 08/2021- Testimony – Ainhoa

Erasmus+ Training Course 08/2021- Testimony – Ainhoa

DESTINO PARÍS El día 1 de agosto cogí un tren destino París. El objetivo del viaje era participar en un proyecto Erasmus + con diferentes jóvenes de diversos países. La entidad que me dio la oportunidad de participar en este proyecto fue ABARKA ONGD. El proyecto trataba sobre la exclusión social en el trabajo de […]

Erasmus+ Training Course 08/2021- Testimony – Urko

Erasmus+ Training Course 08/2021- Testimony – Urko

“La vida se compone por experiencias” Un día como otro cualquiera recibí diferentes Whats App-s por parte de mis amigos y conocidos. Pero esta vez hubo una gran diferencia, ya que se trataba de un mensaje de Clotaire en el nombre de ABARKA ONG dándome la oportunidad de poder participar en una experiencia junto a […]

Erasmus+ Training Course 08/2021- Testimony – Zuriñe De La Cruz

Erasmus+ Training Course 08/2021- Testimony – Zuriñe De La Cruz

“Conjuntions-fighting Discrimation and Social Exclusion in Youth Work” Erasmus+ Training Course Held in Paris from 1 to 8 August 2021. When I started the project I was very nervous about everything that could happen and especially about meeting people from other countries. I had never done anything like this before and I would do it […]

Una experiencia inolvidable – ENERITZ OTXOA

Una experiencia inolvidable – ENERITZ OTXOA

El proyecto “Conjuntions-fighting Discrimation and Social Exclusion in Youth Work” tuvo lugar en Paris, del día 1 de Agosto al 7 de Agosto. Era mi primera vez en participar en proyecto de formación internacional y también me estrenaba como líder de grupo.El equipo fue el día 1 y yo por motivos laborales tuve que acudir un […]

Crossing Borders for Healthy Lifestyle – Marrackech 2020 – Carlos Sanz Salcedo (Spain)

Crossing Borders for Healthy Lifestyle – Marrackech 2020 – Carlos Sanz Salcedo (Spain)

As it was my first project I can’t compare it with anything else. However, I discovered more amazing experiences that Erasmus+ brings to the young people apart from the academic ones that I had already enjoyed. I jumped into the project 2 days before it began because one of the Spanish team members couldn’t join […]

Crossing Borders for Healthy Lifestyle – Marrackech 2020 – Mario Vico Escribano (Spain)

Crossing Borders for Healthy Lifestyle – Marrackech 2020 – Mario Vico Escribano (Spain)

A finales de febrero de 2020, sin ser conscientes de los acontecimientos que vendrían a continuación, con la paralización de medio mundo, pusimos rumbo a Marrakech, a un intercambio juvenil cuyo leitmotiv era el estilo de vida saludable. Siendo un tema tan atractivo para mí, como el desconocimiento que tenía al respecto. Nos acogieron en […]

Crossing Borders for Healthy Lifestyle – Marrackech 2020 – Ana Azcue Garcia (Spain)

Crossing Borders for Healthy Lifestyle – Marrackech 2020 – Ana Azcue Garcia (Spain)

Entre el 27 de febrero y el 5 de marzo de 2020, gracias a ABARKA, tuve la oportunidad de participar en un intercambio juvenil. El cual tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Marrakech junto a gente de Francia, Marruecos, Rusia e Italia y mis compañeros de España. Este ha sido el primer intercambio en el […]

Crossing Borders for Healthy Lifestyle – Marrackech 2020 – Idoia Gurrutxaga (Spain)

Crossing Borders for Healthy Lifestyle – Marrackech 2020 – Idoia Gurrutxaga (Spain)

Gracias a Abarka ONGD tuve la oportunidad de participar en el Intercambio Juvenil «Cruzando fronteras para un estilo de vida saludable” en Marrakech del 27 de Febrero al 5 de Marzo. Estuvimos con jóvenes de Italia, Francia, Rusia y Marruecos. Me encantaron las dinámicas que hicimos durante el proyecto. Hicimos actividades en grupo, bailes, teatro, […]

Crossing Borders for Healthy Lifestyle – Marrackech 2020 – Eva Caceres (Spain)

Crossing Borders for Healthy Lifestyle – Marrackech 2020 – Eva Caceres (Spain)

Last February I was part of the “Crossing borders for a healthy lifestyle” exchange in the city of Marrakech. The exchange brings us together young people from Spain, Russia, France, Italy and Morocco to learn about habits to lead a healthier life. During the week of the project, we shared our knowledge on the subject. […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Rauta Alexandru (Romania)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Rauta Alexandru (Romania)

During the first week of December 2019(1st-8th) I had the privilege to be a part of the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project “Our Voice.Our Choice.Our Community” which took place in a remote hostel in Errenetria, Basque Country. I am so very grateful to have been given the chance to meet so many beautiful people from the […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Mario Vico Escribano (Spain)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Mario Vico Escribano (Spain)

Durante el mes de diciembre de 2019, se realizó en Errenteria un Intercambio Juvenil, enmarcado dentro del programa Erasmus+, del que fui participe. Siendo el primer intercambio de este tipo en el que participaba, mi experiencia no pudo ser mejor. La asociación de acogida (ABARKA) se notaba muy preparada y profesional, habiendo preparado numerosos talleres […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Nenova Kseniia (Russia)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Nenova Kseniia (Russia)

From 1 to 8 December I participated in one of Erasmus + Youth Exchanges «Our Voice, Our Choice, Our Community» in Errenteria, Spain. The hostel was located among beautiful nature. The participants from such countries as Russia, Moldova, Romania, Italy and Spain aimed to gain knowledge on climate change and develop skills in organizing campaigns […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Gabriele Russo (Italy)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Gabriele Russo (Italy)

I am really grateful for the YE project carried out in Errenteria, it gave me really much, humanly and professionally. During the exchange I had the opportunity to deepen the environmental issues and to always question the pre-established points of view, reflecting on the manipulative power of communication and on the importance of great attention […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Mikhailova Anna (Russia)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Mikhailova Anna (Russia)

During the project “Our voice – our choice” in Spain I was participating different activities. For instance I enjoyed  Ecological Problems of different countries. Our team has organized a play where we was reporters of “Perviy Channel”.  Every morning we waked up and there was an energizer in form of dancing. After that I was […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Anna Gorobenko (Russia)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Anna Gorobenko (Russia)

From 1 to 8 December I participated in one of Erasmus + Youth Exchanges «Our Voice, Our Choice, Our Community» in Errenteria, Spain. The exchange focused on raising awareness of environmental issues among young people. The participants from such countries as Russia, Moldova, Romania, Italy and Spain gathered together to gain knowledge on climate change […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Kozlova Anna (Russia)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Kozlova Anna (Russia)

In December 2019, I had my first experience attending a short-term Erasmus workshop in Ehrenteri, Basque country. And I really miss the program participants. Of course, it was not always easy, but in any case it was an unforgettable adventure. We talked a lot, solved interesting cases, played theatrical scenes. Performances were a particularly pleasant […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Victor Cociul (Moldova)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Victor Cociul (Moldova)

In the period of 01.12.2019 – 08.12.2019, I’ve had a great opportunity to be a part of an Erasmus+ project called “Our voice -our choice -our community”, that took part in a small village in the North of Spain called Errenteria. Young people from 5 different countries (Italy, Spain, Romania, Russian Federation and Moldova, Republic […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Sochirca Alex (Moldova)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Sochirca Alex (Moldova)

My name is Alex Sochirca and I would like to tell my story. I was one of the representatives from Moldova in the project “ Our Voice – Our Choice – Our Community  ” that was held in Spain, 1 december 2019 – 7 december 2019 and returned to my home country with a lot […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Maxim Rimleanschii (Moldova)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Maxim Rimleanschii (Moldova)

In the period 01.12.2019 – 08.12.2019, in the beautiful town of Errenteria , Basque Country of Spain took place the youth exchange reflecting the topic » Our voice – our choice – our community «. Participants from Spain, Italy, Romania, Russian Federation and Moldova discovered and involved themselves in practical activities to highlight the negative impact […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Cerasela Ema Pirvu (Romania)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Cerasela Ema Pirvu (Romania)

From 1st December 2019 until 8th December 2019 I participated to one of the most beautiful projects in my life: the international youth exchange „Our voice, our choice, our community” from Errentería – Basque Country of Spain.     The program consisted of thematic workshops and it was meant to help the participants to learn using […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Lupasco Diana (Moldova)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Lupasco Diana (Moldova)

Hello to everyone is reading this small article, in which i would like to express my big thank for the opportunity to be there. I would like to share my great experience that i had in Errenteria. After this project i started to see the world from the diffrent point, because my basic occupation there […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Berbecaru Andrei-Cristian (Romania)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Berbecaru Andrei-Cristian (Romania)

Our voice. Our choice. Our community. Our youth exchange took part in a small village from Spain, called Errenteria. Between 1st and 8th December 2019 we had an amazing Erasmus+ project about environmental issues and of course an amazing time. People from different countries (Romania, Moldova, Russia , Spain and Italy) gathered in a beautiful […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Leo Morabito (Italy)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Leo Morabito (Italy)

ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange “Our Voice, Our Choice, Our Community” From 1st to 8th December 2019 I participated in one Erasmus+ Youth Exchange called “Our Voice, Our Choice, Our Community” in Errenteria, Basque Country of Spain. The participating countries were Italy, my country, Russia, Romania, Moldova and Spain. The exchange was focused on climate change and […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Bianca Madescu (Romania)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Bianca Madescu (Romania)

The issues discussed was related to climate change, which underlines the negative impact of human activities on CC, which decreases the availability of clean and nutritious water foods and destroys ecosystems and safe environments for life leading to malnutrition, health and migration problems, which makes young people particularly vulnerable to these changes. This international youth […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Maria Elena Vaccari (Italy)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Maria Elena Vaccari (Italy)

Between December 1st and the 8th, I had the great opportunity to spend a week in an hostel in Errenteria, a little town located in the enchanting Basque Country. It was a EU-funded Youth Exchange, a project that gathered 36 young people living in 5 different countries (Italy, Spain, Moldova, Romania and Russia) to discuss […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Marta La Pietra (Italia)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Marta La Pietra (Italia)

ERASMUS+ Youth Exchange “Our Voice – Our Choice – Our Community” 01/12/19 – 08/12/19. Errentería, Spain When I decided to apply to the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Errentería, pursued by Abarka and the wonderful Clotaire Ntienou Tchiengue, I had recently discovered what Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges were. During my first adventure, I had the chance to […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Mohd Ovais R Khan (Italia)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Mohd Ovais R Khan (Italia)

It’s been days after the completion of the exchange but the things that I learnt, activities and the experiences over there don’t make me feel that I am back to my city and I really miss those vibes. My arrival was facilitated by Clotaire I reached too early in freezing temperature and he took me […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Andrei Matei (Romania)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Andrei Matei (Romania)

The project provided me with a unique combination to learning and fun.  I got to discover about the rich Basque culture, it’s delicious cuisine and beautiful landscapes. ot only this, the project helped me to meet people from 5 different countries including Italy, Spain, Moldova,Russia and Romania. The intercultural nights helped to learn more about […]

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Eva Caceres (Spain)

Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Eva Caceres (Spain)

Last December I had the opportunity of being in my first Erasmus+ Youth Exchange. This exchange took place in Renteria (Basque Country) under the slogan «Our Voice, our choice, our community». I chose being part of this exchange in large part because of the site where it was going to take place: Northern Spain has […]

Denys Dmytrenko (Estonia) Testimony

Denys Dmytrenko (Estonia) Testimony

«Initially I planned to go to Spain, but instead arrived to a place with different people and language not similar to Spanish at all – to Basque country. Previously I knew almost nothing about this country. But now it amazed me with the richness of it’s culture, friendliness of people and beauty of the landscape. […]

Erasmus+, an experience we all deserve to live by Silvana

Erasmus+, an experience we all deserve to live by Silvana

The ever first time I hear about Erasmus+ projects I did not believe such a thing does really exist. And every time I try to cheer people to participate in such programs I got often the same exact reaction. Is it actually all covered? How do you trust people if you don’t know them? Do […]

Ibrahima Diallo (Espagne) Testimony

Ibrahima Diallo (Espagne) Testimony

Avant tout d’abord je commencerais par remercier ABARKA de m’avoir donné l’opportunité de participer à ce deuxième projet qui a eu un impact positif dans ma vie. Au cours du projet j’ai découvert beaucoup de nouvelles choses tel que: la connaissance générale sur les réseaux sociaux, ses avantages et inconvénients, son impact sur la vie […]

Mathias Randrüüt (Estonia) Testimony

Mathias Randrüüt (Estonia) Testimony

The Erasmus+ project held in Errenteria on 1th to 9th august 2019. This was my second Erasmus+ project. It’s hard to express all the amazing emotions, contacts and skills that I acquiered during the YE. Basque country acted as a meeting place of many very special and talented people for a whole week. We are […]

Rao (Italia) Testimony

Rao (Italia) Testimony

Hello, I’m Rao, and i participated from Italy in the Erasmus plus youth exchange named “Social Media and Active Youth” that took place in the Basque region of Spain from 1st to 9th of August 2019. The project provided me with a unique combination to learning and fun. I got to discover about the rich […]

Cătălina Cernenco (Moldova) – Testimony

Cătălina Cernenco (Moldova) – Testimony

Once Erasmus, forever Erasmus. So happy to belong to this wide family within I grow up in the past 4 years, both formal and non-formal. “Social Media and Active Youth” Youth Exchange which took place in Errenteria between 1 – 9 August was a significant one for me, it approached a sensitive topic with a […]

Cristian Ermurachi (Moldavia) – Testimonio

Cristian Ermurachi (Moldavia) – Testimonio

Del 1 al 9 de agosto participé en un proyecto Erasmus + de Intercambio Juvenil que tuvo lugar en Errenteria, España. El tema principal fue «Redes sociales y juventud activa». Así que durante una semana discutimos el impacto de los medios sociales (online) en el mundo de hoy, los riesgos y cómo mejorar las actividades […]

Rosa Cascone (Italy) – Empower 2018 – Testimonio

Rosa Cascone (Italy) – Empower 2018 – Testimonio

This is a wonderful experience by one of the italain partecipant  during the Erasmus+ project “Take an active role- EMPOWER” in Enterria, Basque Country, Spain organized by Abarka. A group of youngesters from five different countries: Moldova, Russia, Spain, Italy, Romania took part a Youth Exchange in Enterria where the aim of the project was […]

Iuliana Chaplygina (Italy) – Empower 2018 – Testimonio

Iuliana Chaplygina (Italy) – Empower 2018 – Testimonio

«A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions». This quote can fully express how I felt myself after taking part in the Erasmus+ project «Take an Active Role – Empower” that was held in Errenteria (Spain) from 15th till 21st of October. It wasn’t my first experience […]

Roman Andrei (Romania) – Empower 2018 – Testimonio

Roman Andrei (Romania) – Empower 2018 – Testimonio

“Erasmus Youth Exchange-Empower!” was the first project to take part of and it turned into a great experience. It uses “empower”, but I would also add enlighten to it’s name since this project helped us to enlighten our mind with new and useful information for our development as humans and integration in society, in a […]

Gulnaz Galeeva (Rusia) – Empower 2018 – Testimonio

Gulnaz Galeeva (Rusia) – Empower 2018 – Testimonio

This October was full of wonderful discoveries for me because of my participation in Youth Exchange of Erasmus. First of all, I should write that it was my first visit to Spain and I am happy that my acquaintance began namely with Bask’s country. It is not possible to not fall in love with it’s […]

Ibrahima Diallo (Spain) – EMPOWER 2018 – Testimonio

Ibrahima Diallo (Spain) – EMPOWER 2018 – Testimonio

Al participar en este proyecto, quería recibir el mayor conocimiento posible para luchar contra el fenómeno de discriminación que enfrentamos todos los días y también para conocer las diferentes opiniones de los diferentes participantes sobre este tema, ya que provienen de diferentes países y culturas, lo que significaría experiencias y realidades únicas. Conocí gente realmente […]

Constantin Dascal – EMPOWER 2018 – Testimonio

Constantin Dascal – EMPOWER 2018 – Testimonio

From 15th of October 2018 till the 21st of October 2018, ERASMUS+ in Spain, in the Basque Region What does Empower mean? 1. Give (someone) the authority or power to do something. 2. Make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. What does Empower means to me after […]

Kezia Fontaine (Francia/España) – EMPOWER 2018 – Testimonio

Kezia Fontaine (Francia/España) – EMPOWER 2018 – Testimonio

Participar en este proyecto de intercambio juvenil Erasmus Plus, fue una oportunidad para conocer gente que de otro modo no habría conocido. Además, tuve un yen para lanzarme a un proyecto común cuyo objetivo es aumentar la comprensión y la tolerancia hacia las minorías llevadas a cabo por jóvenes de diferentes orígenes étnicos y culturales. […]