Testimonio Intercambio Juvenil Diciembre 19 – Rauta Alexandru (Romania)

During the first week of December 2019(1st-8th) I had the privilege to be a part of the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project “Our Voice.Our Choice.Our Community” which took place in a remote hostel in Errenetria, Basque Country.

I am so very grateful to have been given the chance to meet so many beautiful people from the 5 participating countries: Romania, Russia, Moldova, Spain and Italy and to get to keep the memories we created during that week for my whole life.

I found the location to be in perfect harmony with the topics addressed during our project. Stepping out of the hostel to the sight of the mountain range was a constant reminder of the connection between man and nature and I could not have pictured a better environment to help the participants work together and engage in the sessions.

Starting the days with energizers was a great and fun way for getting everybody together and shake off all the sleepiness and getting ready for the always so informative and nuanced activities of the day.

Each day presented itself with new opportunities to form a better understanding of the environmental issues and the impact of our actions. Due to the presentation methods I found the information being delivered in an easy-to-understand way and always engaging.

Splitting in groups for different activities provided a great chance for everybody to develop their team-building and communication abilities and due to the level of dedication of everybody involved in this project it never actually mattered who you would get paired up with since we were all so determined to give it our best.

Getting to know each and every one of the participants during this Youth Exchange provided me a great sense of gratitude for being able to be amongst them and reassured me that there are still remarkable people in this world.

Thank you for the most profound and wonderful experience.

Rauta Alexandru (Romania)


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