From 1st December 2019 until 8th December 2019 I participated to one of the most beautiful projects in my life: the international youth exchange „Our voice, our choice, our community” from Errentería – Basque Country of Spain.

    The program consisted of thematic workshops and it was meant to help the participants to learn using informal methods, such as video presentations, role-playing games, different unique and innovative discutions. One aspect which I find truly important is that we also had energiziers activities and also different workshops or tasks to be completed in order to know each other better and to work as a family.

     It was a pleasure for me to meet the participants from Romania, but also from the other countries( Italy, Spain, Russia, Moldova) and I found myself lucky, because I met some extraordinary different and smart people. Some of them smart when it comes to professional aspects, others when it comes to real life and emotional intelligence and I am happy to say that I still keep in touch with some of the participants, which is a result of the real bonds created in Errenteria.

    The project itself was complex and full of information, which was not hard to understand because of the presentation methods. I believe the activities had a great impact on my knowlegde about the evnironment and made me more aware of how important it is to protect the nature and how important it is to make others aware of environmental issues.

   The location of the hostel was nice to me, because we were surrounded by nature. I also believe that the way we were supposed to organize the meals and the cleaning of the house helped us to work like a family.

   Another thing that I enjoyed were the cultural nights. I had a lot of fun and I had the opportunity to understand each culture better, being surprised to find out some interesting historical information about the participating countries. I can not neglect the specific food, music and dances from each nationality which were really appealing to try!

   In conclusion, I had a constructive and enjoyable experience in this project, experience which helped me to develop both personally and professionally. I would like to adress my thanks to Clotaire and Kirill for making this possible and to all other participants for making this memory unique.

Cerasela Ema Pirvu (Romania)