Erasmus+ and Abarka Non-Formal Education Camp was held in Honadribia for 8 days on October 24, 2021. The name of the project was Zumba – „Let’s make dream reality”. Project’s main goal was fighting against drugs and living a healthy lifestyle. This project was a great experience for me. Each day was excitingly and productively planned. I learned a lot of things about, how to fight against drugs.

The morning started with a zumba dance and excellent charge, this activity helped us to maintain a good mood throughout the day.

I lernt: – teamworking, communicate and compromise; I learned a lot of new information about the culture of different countries; also I I also shared with the project participants the uniqueness of my country’s culture; Experiencing different indoor and outdoor activities; understand the vital importance of active and healthy lifestyles.

In the camp we had workshops; NGO presentations, task presentations, conversations, presentation of best practices, preparation of reports of best practices, Intercultural night, planning of the future, drafting of projects, partnership creation, project simulation, discussion and evaluation activities. Some activities were performed in a public area with the aim of highlighting drug addiction by expressed them with Zumba and sporting activities. 

Dance choreography, Forum theatre, Dynamic group games, trustbuilding game, creative brainstorming, and bilateral discussions, group presentations, role play, workshops, individual work, buzz groups, problem analysis techniques were great activities in this project. 

The organizers, were wonderful people, always ready to help us and tried their best to carry out interactive and interesting activities for us.

I am glad that I had the opportunity to participate in this project, make new friends, gain new experiences and most importantly I have high hopes that in the future I will have the opportunity to participate in such projects.

I think this project will be completed successfully.

Thank you so much for such an amazing experience and I hope to meet you again soon.

Keti Kokiashvili (Georgia)