YE – ZUMBA – Marina Testimony, Georgia

Hello, I’m Marina Kharitonashvili and participated in Erasmus + Project Zumba – „Let’s make dream reality” in Hondarribia, in October 2021. I was a representative and a team leader of Georgia. I think, that this is a type of project, where you can make your dreams come true. 

During the project, we had many interesting activities. For example, every morning we had a fitness activity with professional Zumba trainer and we were enjoying our time. Also, country participants were helping Zumba trainer as co-coaches and teaching all project member some traditional dance moves, which always was uplifting energy and motivation. I am also happy that we had a fun activity in Karate Club with professional trainers, who taught us the basic techniques of defense. 

Also, we had many interesting and educational trainings, creative brainstorming, theatre staging, role play and simulation games held by Kiril. I want to thank him a lot for his amazing work. 

Moreover, we had various amusing evening activities, such as Halloween and Cultural Nights. Every evening, each country represented their traditional cuisine, culture, music and dances. I’m glad, that this project gave us an opportunity to get to know 6 different countries and nations better. 

 I want to thank a lot to project organizer – Clotaire Ntienou, who is a really great leader, good friend, and excellent teacher for such an amazing Erasmus + project. I hope, that we will collaborate in future and meet soon again at another wonderful project.

Marina, Georgia


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