12 months European Solidarity Corps Opportunity available in SPAIN

Are you looking to make a difference and immerse yourself in the culture of the beautiful Basque Country of Spain? Consider volunteering with us for a 12-month opportunity starting on March 1st, 2023.


Located on the Atlantic coast in northern Spain, the Basque Country is a vibrant and culturally rich region with a strong sense of community. As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to become a part of this community and make a meaningful impact while also immersing yourself in the local culture.

We have two offers seeking for two candidates

1. ESPerientziak - EXperiencia


This activity aims to provide participants with professional experience in the social work sector. The goal is to give young people a better understanding of this field and the challenges that social workers face every day. By participating in this activity, young people will learn about the values of solidarity and respect for human dignity, and they will have the opportunity to understand the true meaning of these values. The aim is to expose participants to the realities of social work and to show them that it is a full-time job that brings real value to society. The hope is that by participating in this activity, young people will be inspired to get involved in the social cause and will be able to share the values they have learned with their own communities when they return home. Daily routine: assisting administrative tasks, conducting research and writtings projects, project meetings, organizing local events, attending and/or organizing trainings, workshops, social networks… Check out the application link: https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/placement/33021_en

The project aims at using storytelling and experiences for a better and united future address the problems of social exclusion, discrimination and various forms of inequality, promoting the policies and programmes of the European Union, disseminating the voices and experiences of those who work in these fields and who promote with their own initiatives new forms of innovation strategies focused on social inclusion and the education and involvement of young people. At the same time, the event will promote a coherent and effective cooperation between the participants. We can create a network of realities that can spread the themes of memory, identity, tolerance and cultural heritage among young people in Europe. You will work on organizing this event with different activities. Others daily routine: assisting administrative tasks, conducting research and writings projects, project meetings, organizing local events, attending and/or organizing trainings, workshops, social networks… Check out the application link: https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/placement/33024_en

Not only will you have the chance to make a difference, but you will also have the opportunity to learn and grow personally. You will learn about the unique culture and history of the Basque Country, improve your language skills, and make lasting friendships with people from all walks of life.


If you are ready for an adventure and want to make a positive impact, consider volunteering in the Basque Country for a year starting on March 1st, 2023. It will be a rewarding and enriching experience that you will never forget.


Consult more details in the InfoPack here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HSVH0NSoWvQPIp1jGMmtNfwnufNQmceN/view


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