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Social media

and Active Youth

Social media and Active Youth is an Erasmus+ KA1 project.

Project ID:


NEEDS Active Citizenship is a concept used within EU and also beyond focusing on forms of participation that can guarantee:

Active citizenship among young people is nowadays wishful thinking more than reality, young people growing more and more distant form politics, public arena and the decision making process (according to OECD figures).

As opposite to active citizenship, social media finds itself at the peak of its existence and attractiveness to young people.

General Objective

To stimulate/increase active citizenship through the use of social media among young people over the period of 7 days.

Specific objectives:

To offer young people over a period of 7 days the necessary knowledge and competences to use social media as a tool to become responsible (informed and active) citizens
To provide young people with a set of competences that support active citizenship (both at national and European level), over the period of 7 days (this objective is accordance with a specific objective of the Erasmus+ programme: improve the level of key competences and skills for young people as well as to promote democratic life in Europe)
To develop multicultural skills for young people through specific activities and relations over the period of 7 days (this objective follows the line of one of the specific objectives of Erasmus+: enhance the international dimension of youth activities, in particular through the promotion of mobility and cooperation between stakeholders from Programme and Partner countries and international organisations).


más sobre el

el programa

Erasmus +

Aditional Information

Dates of the Youth Exchange

Venue of the Youth Exchange

Belabaratz is a youth hostel of the city hall of Errentería. Adress: Zamalbide Auzoa, 16, 20100 Errenteria, Guipúzcoa – Spain

Partners and Participants

Details of the partner
Nº of participants
Asociatia Muguri Pentru Viitor Galati(Romania)

7 participantes

Namoi (Russian Federation)

7 participantes

CEDES (Moldova)

7 participantes

Freeminds in Action (Italy)

7 participantes

Association de cooperation al Desarrollo Abarka (Spain)

7 participantes

ZDROWY (Poland)

7 participantes

Seiklejate Vennaskond (Estonia)

7 participantes


42 participantes