Posts from 25 de abril de 2022

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Call for spanish participants – Youth Exchange «MAKE THE CHANGE» – Dates 22-30 June 2022

«MAKE THE CHANGE» – Dates 22-30 June 2022 – 6 participants (18-30) and 1 group leader (18+) InfoPack: El objetivo del intercambio de jóvenes[…]

Call for Spanish – Youth Exchange Plan it Be it Plan»B» – Dates 03-10 June 2022 (Italy)

Plan it Be it Plan»B» – Fechas 03-10 de junio de 2022 – 6 participantes (18-30) y 1 líder de grupo (18+) InfoPack: El[…]

Call for Spanish – Youth Exchange «Promoting Inclusive Society» – Dates 24-31 May 2022

«Promoting Inclusive Society» Fechas 24-31 Mayo 2022 (días de viaje incluidos) 7 participants (18-30) y 1 group leader (18+) Lugar: Agrigento – Italia Nuestro proyecto[…]